
How Spinal Stenosis Develops and What You Can Do to Treat it

Oct 11, 2022
How Spinal Stenosis Develops and What You Can Do to Treat it
When you hear your doctor say spinal stenosis is causing your symptoms, it makes your heart skip a beat. Luckily, our team treats spinal stenosis through various methods. Read on to learn more about your treatment options for spinal stenosis.

Back pain is a real drag when it interferes with activities and your life. There are several causes of pain in your back, including spinal stenosis.

Spinal stenosis is a gradual narrowing of your spine. The narrowing causes pressure on your nerves, leading to pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.

If you're dealing with back problems, the team at Peninsula Orthopedic Associates is here to provide quick and efficient treatment. Our specialized care team is led by ten orthopedic specialists who offer modern therapies and compassionate care.

The facts on spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition that affects your spine. When you have spinal stenosis, the spaces in your spine that house your nerves and spinal cord become narrow. The narrowing causes compression on the nerve roots and spinal cord, causing various symptoms that include:

Spinal stenosis most often affects your lower back, but can also affect your neck and other areas of your spine.

You may not have any symptoms in the early stages of spinal stenosis. Because it's a progressive disease, your symptoms may not arise until you've had the condition for years.

Our team's imaging studies for other reasons might show signs of spinal stenosis, even if you don't have any symptoms.

What causes spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis is a progressive disease that typically affects you as you age. Your body goes through several changes as you get older. Your spine isn't immune to those changes.

The leading cause of spinal stenosis is normal wear-and-tear on your spine. This happens from years of use, poor posture, and high-impact activities. However, you may also acquire spinal stenosis from the following problems:

Spinal tumors and injuries to your spinal column also lead to spinal stenosis. However, these are less common than the other causes listed.

All of these causes lead to changes in your spinal structure. These changes narrow the spaces in your vertebrae, causing compression of your nerves and spinal cord.

Understanding the treatments

If you have spinal stenosis, you're likely wondering what you can do to decrease your discomfort. The team at Peninsula Orthopedic Associates has the tools that help. When you have spinal stenosis, they offer treatments like:

Home care

You may benefit from home therapies when you have mild spinal stenosis. These therapies include heat to relax your back, and ice intermittently. You can also try light exercise and stretching or opt for a massage.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is often helpful with many back conditions, including spinal stenosis. Our team teaches you how to stretch and exercise for maximum pain relief and provides manual therapy to ease muscle tension.

Oral medications

Our team recommends oral medications to help you deal with pain and discomfort associated with spinal stenosis. Oral medications include over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs and prescription pain medications.

Steroid injections

Corticosteroids are powerful anti-inflammatory medications our team injects into your spine to relieve pain. The corticosteroid begins working immediately, reducing inflammation in the narrowed area of your spine.


Our team recommends surgery when you've tried other conservative measures without relief, and spinal stenosis affects your life. Surgery is the last resort because it's an invasive procedure.

Surgery relieves pressure on your nerves from spinal stenosis. Many people get significant relief after the procedure.

To get expert spinal stenosis and back pain treatment, don't hesitate to call our office in Daly City, California, today or send our team a message on the website.