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Blog Articles

Getting Active Again After a Rotator Cuff Tear

If you’re healing from a rotator cuff tear, you know healing can be slow. Depending on the severity of your injury and your desired activity level, it can take months to heal, but you can get active again with some work.
Jun 12th, 2024
5 Ways to Help Prevent Your Sciatica From Acting Up

5 Ways to Help Prevent Your Sciatica From Acting Up

Sciatica is a painful back condition that leads to nerve pain and disability, especially during a flare-up, but you can take steps to prevent its disruptive symptoms. Explore five essential tips for keeping sciatica at bay.
Jul 1st, 2023
Staying Active with Arthritis: 6 Key Benefits of Physical Therapy

Staying Active with Arthritis: 6 Key Benefits of Physical Therapy

Arthritis is a painful condition that often leads to disability if you're not careful. Staying active is always great advice, and it’s no different when you have arthritis. Discover the benefits of physical therapy when you’re dealing with arthritis.
May 4th, 2023
Can a Rotator Cuff Tear Heal On Its Own?

Can a Rotator Cuff Tear Heal On Its Own?

A rotator cuff tear is a devastating injury, especially when you're active. But do you always need surgery for this type of injury? Learn whether a rotator cuff tear can heal on its own, or if you need specialized treatment for a swift recovery.
Apr 12th, 2023

Why Are Female Athletes More Susceptible to Knee Injuries?

Female athletes have come a long way in sports, but they’re also more likely than their male counterparts to suffer knee injuries, sometimes twice as likely. Factors range from anatomical to hormonal differences. Take a moment to learn more.
Mar 14th, 2023
5 Signs It’s Time to Consider a Hip Replacement

5 Signs It’s Time to Consider a Hip Replacement

Chronic pain in your hip could be a sign that your joint is deteriorating. If your pain is affecting your daily activities, a hip replacement could be in your future. Take a moment to find out what signs indicate you may need hip replacement surgery.
Feb 14th, 2023
When to Consider Arthroscopic Surgery for Hand & Wrist Pain

When to Consider Arthroscopic Surgery for Hand & Wrist Pain

An arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure for pain in many joints, but did you know you can also have this procedure on your wrists? Take a moment to discover when you need an arthroscopy for lingering hand or wrist pain.
Jan 23rd, 2023
Heel Pain After Exercise: 3 Treatments for Lasting Relief

Heel Pain After Exercise: 3 Treatments for Lasting Relief

Are your heels screaming in pain after your run? Or do they ache for days after a grueling workout? If so, you could be dealing with plantar fasciitis. Read on to find three essential treatments to keep your heel pain away.
Nov 7th, 2022
How Spinal Stenosis Develops and What You Can Do to Treat it

How Spinal Stenosis Develops and What You Can Do to Treat it

When you hear your doctor say spinal stenosis is causing your symptoms, it makes your heart skip a beat. Luckily, our team treats spinal stenosis through various methods. Read on to learn more about your treatment options for spinal stenosis.
Oct 11th, 2022
How Do Epidural Steroid Injections Treat Nerve Inflammation?

How Do Epidural Steroid Injections Treat Nerve Inflammation?

Have you ever considered an epidural steroid injection for your back pain? If so, it’s important to understand how this treatment works. Take a moment to learn how an epidural steroid injection relieves your pain by calming nerve inflammation.
Sep 6th, 2022
Why Can’t I Straighten Out My Finger?

Why Can’t I Straighten Out My Finger?

When you can’t fully straighten out one of your fingers, even the simplest of tasks might be a challenge, such as buttoning your shirt or signing a check. Take a moment to learn what’s causing your bent finger, and how you can fix it.
Aug 4th, 2022
5 Benefits of Arthroscopic Surgery

5 Benefits of Arthroscopic Surgery

If you’re having joint pain, have you considered arthroscopic surgery? It can help you get back to work or to your favorite activities more quickly than after traditional open surgery. Learn about the amazing benefits of arthroscopic surgery.
Jul 1st, 2022
Signs of a Herniated Disc

Signs of a Herniated Disc

If you’re living with back pain that radiates down your arms or legs, you may have a herniated disc. Here are signs of this common condition.
Jun 1st, 2022
Recovering From an Ankle Sprain: What to Expect

Recovering From an Ankle Sprain: What to Expect

So you tripped and sprained your ankle — now what? Recovering correctly from an ankle sprain prevents further damage to the joint. Take a moment to learn what to expect during the recovery period after you’ve sprained an ankle.
May 1st, 2022
5 Common Signs of Bursitis

5 Common Signs of Bursitis

Bursitis is one of the many conditions that can cause knee or elbow pain. When bursitis strikes, it leads to pain and inflammation in these or other joints. Take a moment to learn more about the symptoms of bursitis, and how we treat the condition.
Apr 1st, 2022
How Can I Reduce My Risk of Falling?

How Can I Reduce My Risk of Falling?

When you fall, you can injure yourself badly. As you get older, your chances of falling increases, as does your risk of suffering more severe injuries. Take a few moments to learn more about preventing falls from happening.
Mar 24th, 2022
5 Ways to Manage Elbow Arthritis

5 Ways to Manage Elbow Arthritis

When your elbow hurts, little else seems to matter. Your pain could be due to arthritis, which has no cure. So how can you get the relief you need? Take a few moments to learn what you can do to tame the pain in your arthritic elbow.
Feb 1st, 2022
Is Scoliosis Dangerous to My Health?

Is Scoliosis Dangerous to My Health?

If you or your child has been diagnosed with scoliosis, your head is likely spinning with questions. You may be worried that your overall health may be affected by this condition. Take a moment to learn how scoliosis affects the rest of your body.
Dec 7th, 2021
When an Epidural Steroid Injection Might Be Right for You

When an Epidural Steroid Injection Might Be Right for You

Are you tired of dealing with back pain day after day? If so, an epidural steroid injection could be just what you need to kiss your pain goodbye. Take a few moments to find out when this treatment can help your back or leg pain.
Oct 12th, 2021
The Many Benefits of PRP

The Many Benefits of PRP

Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to heal your body from the inside out? You're in luck, because platelet-rich plasma (PRP) does just that to treat a variety of conditions. Take a few moments to learn more about the advantages of PRP therapy.
Sep 6th, 2021
How Physical Therapy Can Help Heal Your Injury

How Physical Therapy Can Help Heal Your Injury

When you’re injured, all you want is the pain to go away so you can keep going. Easier said than done, right? So how can you speed up your recovery after getting hurt? Take a few moments to learn how physical therapy helps you get back on your feet.
Aug 10th, 2021

The Importance of Bike Fitting

Riding your bike is not only a great way to stay in shape, but to keep your joints and muscles healthy too. However, like any other exercise, there’s a proper way to do it. Take a moment to learn more about the importance of getting your bike fitted.
Jul 12th, 2021

Help! I Sprained My Ankle

Have you recently suffered a fall, and now your ankle hurts? If so, you could be dealing with a sprained ankle. So how do you treat a sprained ankle? Find out what to do about this injury, whether you need help right away or it happens in the future.
Jun 21st, 2021

Bad Habits That Make Your Foot Pain Worse

Pain in your feet is truly the pits, but sometimes it's avoidable. Certain habits amplify the discomfort in your feet, making you wish you could get relief fast. Take a few moments to learn how to break bad habits and kick your pain to the curb.
May 4th, 2021

Your Child Has Scoliosis. Now What?

You never want your child to suffer from any condition, so when they get diagnosed with scoliosis, it can be devastating. Take a few moments to learn more about what treatments you can expect for your child.
Apr 1st, 2021

Everything You Need to Know About the Female Athlete Triad

Sports are by nature very competitive, especially by high school level. However, healthy competition can quickly lead to very unhealthy habits in girls and women. Take a few moments to learn more about what’s associated with the female athlete triad.
Mar 4th, 2021

Whole-Body Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy isn't just for postsurgical recovery; it has many other benefits, and can actually improve your entire body. Take a moment to learn more about the benefits you’ll reap from physical therapy.
Feb 3rd, 2021

Put That Spring Back in Your Step Through Knee Replacements

If knee pain is interfering with your life, treatment is your first priority. But what if conservative measures have failed? That's when you need knee replacement surgery. Take a moment to find out more about the many benefits of a knee replacement.
Jan 1st, 2021

The Many Benefits of Good Posture

Did you get lectured about your posture when you were young? Maybe you were told “not to slouch.” Now you may realize why that advice matters. Poor posture could lead to back and neck problems. Instead, reap the many benefits of good posture.
Dec 1st, 2020

Releasing Your Trigger Finger

Suffice to say, using your hands is essential to most everyday tasks. When you have a case of trigger finger — a finger that is stuck in a bent position — those tasks turn nearly impossible. Find out what you can do to get it straightened out for good.
Nov 1st, 2020

Tips for Preventing Foot Deformities

It’s easy to take for granted how much you ask of your feet every day. However, when a problem like a bunion arises, your pain and limited mobility serve as quick reminders. Learn about preventing certain foot issues and avoiding unnecessary pain.
Oct 1st, 2020

The Connection Between Diabetes and Sciatica

Suffering from diabetes can be hard, especially when complications arise. One of these complications is nerve pain in your legs. But is it from diabetes or something else? Find out more about the correlation between diabetes and sciatica.
Sep 2nd, 2020

Who Needs an Epidural Steroid Injection?

Are you suffering from terrible back pain that’s interfering with your life? If you answered yes, you’re probably wishing for a miracle. Epidural steroid injections may be just the answer you need. Take a moment to find out more about this treatment.
Aug 16th, 2020

5 Types of Fractures

If you’ve broken a bone, you probably know why it happened, but how did it break? After all, bones can fracture in many ways, depending on the cause and their location. The type of fracture also helps you figure out how you’ll heal after treatment.
Jul 13th, 2020

Sports Medicine and COVID-19: What You Should Know

COVID-19 has changed the world in a matter of months, but what does that mean for sports medicine? Providers are focusing more on prevention, both on keeping you healthy and away from sports injuries, and from preventing the spread of the virus.
Jun 23rd, 2020

The Road to a Frozen Shoulder

Dealing with a so-called frozen shoulder is as limiting and frustrating as the term suggests. Find out the stages of development of what is known medically as adhesive capsulitis, and what you can do about it.
May 15th, 2020

Early Signs of Hip Trouble

As you get older, you may feel some new and unwelcome aches and pains in your hips. So how do you know when there’s more to an ache than the discomfort it brings? Learn more about differentiating a small ache from a much bigger issue with your hips.
Apr 20th, 2020
Now, tell us where it hurts.

5 Benefits of Physical Therapy

It’s hard to overstate the importance of movement and mobility to your life. When these are compromised, your best option for recovery might be the slow and steady one. Physical therapy is a great way to recover without going under the knife.
Mar 9th, 2020

Why Regenerative Medicine Could Be a Great Alternative for You

Are you suffering from pain or injury and searching desperately for relief? Did you know that your body contains healing cells that can take any form? If this sounds like you, this approach, called stem cell therapy, may be just the thing for you.
Feb 18th, 2020

The Best Solutions for Treating Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Do you dread walking because of plantar fasciitis? This condition, which can cause persistent and debilitating heel pain, doesn’t have to plague you forever. Read on to learn what causes it and how you can treat it.
Dec 4th, 2019

How to Keep a Sprained Ankle From Becoming Chronic Instability

A sprained ankle is a common injury that can occur if you take an awkward step and the ligaments in your ankle stretch. While many sprains heal quickly, some lead to chronic ankle instability and injuries later on. Read on and learn how to keep your ankles
Nov 1st, 2019

Is Back Pain Normal As You Age?

If you think back pain is as inevitable as gray hair and wrinkled skin when you age, think again. Find out what’s normal to expect as you get older, and what aspects of aging you can control, or even prevent.
Oct 1st, 2019
Doing the same thing over and over is the route to debilitating joint injury.

How to Avoid Carpal Tunnel in an Office Job

A repetitive job can be boring -- but did you know it can also be hazardous to your health? Doing the same thing over and over is the route to debilitating joint injury. Even doing simple data entry can put you at risk.
Sep 3rd, 2019

Returning to Sports After a Meniscus Tear

The plant and pivot. You may have been going for a game-winning 3-pointer or trying to stretch a single into a double, but all you got was a loud pop in your knee and a lot of pain. Find out how to return to your sport after a torn meniscus.
Jul 25th, 2019

What Can I Do About My Bunions?

Don’t suffer from the pain and embarrassment of bunions. This common foot problem can affect your mobility if left untreated. Learn about treatment options that can relieve your symptoms and allow you to move pain-free.
Jun 20th, 2019

Am I Too Young for a Hip Replacement?

If you think of hip replacement surgery as a procedure for older men and women, think again. Many people in their 40s and 50s are now opting for the procedure. Find out why the hip crowd is getting younger.
Jun 20th, 2019

Why PRP Therapy is a Boon for Babyboomers With Aging Joints

Now that you may not be working as hard as you did in your younger days, you want to spend more time doing activities you enjoy. However, pain in your joints sometimes prevents you. Learn how PRP therapy can alleviate your pain and restore mobility.
May 21st, 2019

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine

Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.
May 31st, 2024