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Blog Archive

Things You're Doing That Make Your Sciatica Worse Jul 18th, 2024

Have you had more than one attack of sciatica or one long, chronic bout with it? You could inadvertently be doing something that makes your sciatica worse.  At Peninsula Orthopedic Associates, our board-certified orthopedic surgeons and physical medicine physicians treat many patients with this common condition. Experts estimate that four...

Getting Active Again After a Rotator Cuff Tear Jun 12th, 2024

Tore your rotator cuff? You may be in a lot of shoulder pain that keeps you up at night. A rotator cuff injury often includes limited shoulder mobility along with the pain. These are common injuries, and properly rehabilitating the muscles is essential to regain mobility and strength. Here’s what...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine May 31st, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

Understanding the Bi-Directional Relationship Between Poor Posture and Back Pain Aug 4th, 2023

Good posture can be challenging, especially when you sit at a desk all day or have to stand for long periods. But it’s well worth the effort, because good posture is essential to various aspects of your health, including your spine. Back pain can get in the way, leading to poor...

5 Ways to Help Prevent Your Sciatica From Acting Up Jul 1st, 2023

Various conditions lead to back pain and discomfort, including sciatica. If you have a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or osteoarthritis, you may have nerve compression, which leads to pain and weakness in your back and legs. Sciatica can be severe and cause you to miss work or your normal daily...

Staying Active with Arthritis: 6 Key Benefits of Physical Therapy May 4th, 2023

You don't always want to get up and work out when you're living with arthritis. The disease affects your joints and motivation, although staying active can help you control your symptoms. Physical therapy offers several incredible benefits to your mind and body. Our team of orthopedic specialists at Peninsula Orthopedic Associates understands that staying physically active is...

Can a Rotator Cuff Tear Heal On Its Own? Apr 12th, 2023

You use your shoulders more than you know for everyday activities like reaching up to turn on the fan or throwing a football during a pick-up game. Your rotator cuff is a vital aspect of your shoulder, but unfortunately it’s prone to injury from trauma or overuse. If you suspect...

Why Are Female Athletes More Susceptible to Knee Injuries? Mar 14th, 2023

It's no surprise that women differ a lot from men when it comes to athletics and sports. While women can do everything a man can, they're more susceptible to specific injuries, especially in their knees. Genetic makeup and hormones are only two factors that play into injuries in a female...

5 Signs It’s Time to Consider a Hip Replacement Feb 14th, 2023

It's not uncommon to experience hip pain at some point in life, and it’s not a big deal as long as the pain goes away. If your pain lingers and you're having trouble getting around, however, you might be dealing with osteoarthritis. When your hip pain gets to the point where nothing...

When to Consider Arthroscopic Surgery for Hand & Wrist Pain Jan 23rd, 2023

Your hands and wrists are crucial to your everyday activities, of course, so when you’re in pain, it makes life more difficult. Various problems affect your hands and wrists, some of which don't improve with home treatments. If you're unsure what's causing your hand or wrist pain, the team at...

Can I Have an Ankle Sprain Even if I Can Still Bear Weight? Dec 8th, 2022

When you think of a sprained ankle, you may imagine unbearable pain and extreme swelling. While this is sometimes true, a minor sprain might not cause many symptoms. You could very well walk on the injury with only mild discomfort. The team at Peninsula Orthopedic Associates are experts in ankle sprains and other...

Heel Pain After Exercise: 3 Treatments for Lasting Relief Nov 7th, 2022

An intense workout should make you feel good and energized — not end up in heel pain. You may have plantar fasciitis if your heels hurt after every workout or activity. You get this condition from inflammation in your plantar fascia, a large ligament that runs underneath your foot. Without...

How Spinal Stenosis Develops and What You Can Do to Treat it Oct 11th, 2022

Back pain is a real drag when it interferes with activities and your life. There are several causes of pain in your back, including spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is a gradual narrowing of your spine. The narrowing causes pressure on your nerves, leading to pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. If...

How Do Epidural Steroid Injections Treat Nerve Inflammation? Sep 6th, 2022

Back pain is a relatively common ailment that affects many people throughout their lives. If you have this type of pain, it can range from mild to severe, and it has the ability to disrupt your life. Finding a treatment that targets the painful nerves is the best way to...

Why Can’t I Straighten Out My Finger? Aug 4th, 2022

You use your hands and fingers for just about everything throughout your day. This makes them prone to both acute injury and degenerative issues. If you’re struggling to straighten out your finger, it could be due to several different conditions. At Peninsula Orthopedic Associates, our expert team of orthopedic specialists helps you when...

5 Benefits of Arthroscopic Surgery Jul 1st, 2022

Facing orthopedic surgery is daunting, especially when it comes to recovery. However, technology has come a long way, and we now perform many procedures using minimally invasive techniques. Arthroscopic surgery is one of the types of minimally invasive procedures used for orthopedic issues like ACL tears and rotator cuff injuries. At Peninsula...

Signs of a Herniated Disc Jun 1st, 2022

Your spine is a remarkable column that provides the primary support for your body. But most people don’t appreciate their spines until something goes wrong that causes pain.  The spine consists of 33 vertebrae separated by pillowy cushions known as discs. The exterior of these discs is hard, but the...

Recovering From an Ankle Sprain: What to Expect May 1st, 2022

When you sprain your ankle, the pain from the stretched or torn ligaments might seem unbearable. How you handle the recovery process from a sprained ankle is vital to healing the tissues in the joint. At Peninsula Orthopedic Associates, our team gives you the recovery tips you need when a...

5 Common Signs of Bursitis Apr 1st, 2022

Bursitis is a condition that can affect the joints in your body — including your shoulders, elbows, and knees. This condition is often painful, and it can keep you from performing your normal activities. Knowing the signs of bursitis can help you get quick treatment to stop your pain for...

How Can I Reduce My Risk of Falling? Mar 24th, 2022

Anyone of any age can suffer a fall. Whether you’ve had a bit too much to drink, or you have a medical issue that’s affecting your gait, a fall has the potential to badly injure you. But there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of falling. At...

5 Ways to Manage Elbow Arthritis Feb 1st, 2022

Your elbows may be the last place you’d expect to get arthritis, but these joints are vulnerable to the pain and stiffness of arthritis, just like other joints. Osteoarthritis can affect one or both of your elbows, and make your daily activities very painful and difficult. Take note, however, that...

How Regenerative Medicine Helps Heal Your Damaged Tendons and Cartilage Jan 4th, 2022

Your tendons and cartilage play uniquely important roles in your body. Cartilage provides cushioning and support, while tendons attach your muscles to your bones.  Both of these structures are vital, so when they become injured, it’s important that you get treatment fast. Regenerative medicine is a state-of-the-art treatment that can...

Is Scoliosis Dangerous to My Health? Dec 7th, 2021

When it comes to your body, your spine is one of the most vital parts, as it houses your spinal cord. However, because your spine is so important, it’s prone to conditions that cause you pain and issues with mobility.  One of the problems you could experience in your spine...

Why Arthroscopic Surgery Is the Key Choice for Treating Your Rotator Cuff Tear Nov 2nd, 2021

When you’re active, a shoulder injury is the last thing you need. This is especially true if you’re an avid athlete and don’t have time to miss practices, much less games.  Rotator cuff injuries are a common sports injury, and if not treated properly, they can sideline you for months....

When an Epidural Steroid Injection Might Be Right for You Oct 12th, 2021

When you suffer from back pain, even the smallest everyday activities may seem like torture. Besides missing work, you may also be missing out on life in general.  While there are a lot of treatments out there, not all of them may work for you. However, an epidural steroid injection...

The Many Benefits of PRP Sep 6th, 2021

If you've ever been injured or suffered from a degenerative condition, you know that the treatments can be invasive and uncomfortable. Further, these treatments sometimes merely mask the pain, not fix the problem.  In recent years, however, a regenerative medicine approach such as platelet-rich plasma therapy has gained popularity for...

How Physical Therapy Can Help Heal Your Injury Aug 10th, 2021

Injuries are an unfortunate part of life, whether from a fall or you hurt yourself while playing sports. While some injuries are game-changers, others are just enough to make life difficult for a while.  There are many treatments that help you heal, but only one that helps you prevent injuries...

The Importance of Bike Fitting Jul 12th, 2021

As you get older, it’s more important than ever to keep your body healthy with exercise. Activities such as swimming, bike riding, and hiking are great low-impact ways to stay in shape. However, if you’re not careful, these activities can do more harm than good. This is why getting the...

Help! I Sprained My Ankle Jun 21st, 2021

Accidents are unfortunately a normal part of life — but that’s not much consolation when one leaves you injured.  Whether you hurt yourself sliding into home plate, or you stepped wrong off a curb, ankle injuries are very common. A sprained ankle can hurt quite a lot, and then lead...

Bad Habits That Make Your Foot Pain Worse May 4th, 2021

When you're on your feet every day, foot pain is bound to occur. Did you know, though, that certain bad habits can make your pain even worse? Although it won't cut your pain out completely, breaking some of these habits may significantly reduce your discomfort. At Peninsula Orthopedic Associates in...

Your Child Has Scoliosis. Now What? Apr 1st, 2021

Your spine is a vital component of your body, of course, and when something isn’t quite right, it’s usually blatantly obvious. Children are constantly growing and changing, so when something seems wrong with their spine, it’s a cause for concern. Many times, scoliosis could be behind your child’s problem. At...

Everything You Need to Know About the Female Athlete Triad Mar 4th, 2021

Exercise, such as involvement in sports, is usually very healthy for women of all ages. In some cases, however, it leads to eating problems that cause issues both on and off the field.  Competition is very intense, and some girls or women get so caught up in it that they...

Whole-Body Benefits of Physical Therapy Feb 3rd, 2021

After an injury, physical therapy is something that helps you to regain your strength and mobility. But that's not the only way this treatment can be used. In fact, physical therapy helps your entire body. At Peninsula Orthopedic Associates, our team not only treats your injuries, we also help to...

Put That Spring Back in Your Step Through Knee Replacements Jan 1st, 2021

You use your knees for almost all of your daily activities — walking, sitting, and standing. So when something goes wrong or you get injured, the impact on your life is hard to overstate.  Conditions such as degenerative arthritis can wear down your knee joint, causing intense pain and sometimes...

The Many Benefits of Good Posture Dec 1st, 2020

If you have any kind of job that involves long periods of sitting or standing, you know how important holding good posture is. However, it can be very difficult to stand up straight or sit with perfect posture all day long.  Sometimes, you probably let yourself slouch a little or...

Releasing Your Trigger Finger Nov 1st, 2020

Has one of your fingers ever locked in place, or have you been unable to straighten it out? You may be dealing with a condition called trigger finger. This disorder can be painful and make everyday activities very difficult to complete. So what can you do to get your finger...

Tips for Preventing Foot Deformities Oct 1st, 2020

Your feet bear the brunt of your daily activities more than you know. From walking to running, to bike riding — all of these require strong and healthy feet. However, if you aren't careful, you can end up with one of several foot deformities that cause you a lot more...

The Connection Between Diabetes and Sciatica Sep 2nd, 2020

Diabetes is a devastating diagnosis, especially when it comes out of the blue later in life. Whether you’ve had it your whole life or it strikes later, complications are bound to happen. One of those complications is neuropathy, which can mimic other conditions such as sciatica. Unearthing the underlying cause...

Who Needs an Epidural Steroid Injection? Aug 16th, 2020

Suffering from spinal conditions can leave you in a great deal of pain, sometimes debilitating pain, and you might feel like you’ll never get your life back. It starts when conservative treatments bring little to no relief, which oftentimes is the case.  If you’ve been putting up with back discomfort...

5 Types of Fractures Jul 13th, 2020

Fractures may occur for many different reasons at any point in your life. But did you know there are many different types of fractures as well, and that the type can dictate your treatment options? At Peninsula Orthopedic Associates, our doctors are skilled orthopedic surgeons who specialize in all types...

Sports Medicine and COVID-19: What You Should Know Jun 23rd, 2020

The outbreak of COVID-19 has been an unfortunate game-changer for access to medical care, including sports medicine providers. Among the consequences are the need for using telehealth to meet with your doctor when possible and using social distancing and other measures during in-person appointments. At Peninsula Orthopedic Associates in the...

The Road to a Frozen Shoulder May 15th, 2020

You don't realize how much you actually use your shoulder until you suddenly can't. Whether it's from overuse or an injury, a frozen shoulder can throw a wrench in your summer plans. The skilled surgeons at Peninsula Orthopedic Associates are able to give you a treatment plan that best fits...

Early Signs of Hip Trouble Apr 20th, 2020

Hip discomfort can have many causes, including strained muscles, over-exercising, or the level of support your body gets from your mattress. You might notice that the pain comes and goes. However, if the pain or discomfort only worsens, you might have the beginnings of hip trouble. The certified orthopedic surgeons...

5 Benefits of Physical Therapy Mar 9th, 2020

Whether you’re injured and looking for treatment options or recovering from orthopedic surgery, physical therapy is a great option for optimal healing and recovery. And while healing is the primary goal, of course, physical therapy brings a range of other benefits that you may not even realize.   The certified...

Why Regenerative Medicine Could Be a Great Alternative for You Feb 18th, 2020

Dealing with pain related to injury can be exhausting, especially when you’ve tried treatment after treatment with no relief. You might even have all but given up on getting your life back.  Don't lose hope! There may be an option for you after all. Regenerative medicine could be just the...

Injury or Just Soreness? Knowing When Your Shoulder Pain Requires Medical Intervention Jan 10th, 2020

Your shoulders play a key role in much of what you do. Brushing your teeth, getting dressed, reaching overhead — all of these can become very difficult when your shoulder is out of commission. But what do you do? How do you know if your discomfort is just soreness or...

The Best Solutions for Treating Plantar Fasciitis Pain Dec 4th, 2019

Do you have intense heel pain? You may have plantar fasciitis. This condition can curtail your ability to perform everyday activities, from walking to playing sports. Plantar fasciitis can cramp your style, literally and figuratively. The doctors at Peninsula Orthopedic Associates are experts in diagnosing and treating foot problems. In...

How to Keep a Sprained Ankle From Becoming Chronic Instability Nov 1st, 2019

Most people have taken an awkward step or rolled their ankle in a fall at some point in their lives. A sprained ankle is a common injury that occurs when the ligaments around the joint stretch or tear when you accidentally twist or roll your ankle.  Up to 20% of...

Is Back Pain Normal As You Age? Oct 1st, 2019

Minor aches and pains are a part of life no matter how old you are. But it seems that they get worse and more frequent with each passing birthday. It’s not your imagination — age is definitely a factor.  The natural wear and tear that happens over time is bound...

How to Avoid Carpal Tunnel in an Office Job Sep 3rd, 2019

Working an office job can mean your afternoons are a blur of waiting for the final hours to tick by, so you can get off the clock. Working an office job also means you are more likely than the general population to experience a condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome....

When is an Epidural Steroid Injection the Right Choice for Your Back Pain? Aug 2nd, 2019

Millions of Americans experience chronic back pain. Chronic back pain can make performing simple tasks difficult and make it hard to enjoy life. Corticosteroid injections are sometimes part of plans to manage chronic back pain. However, these injections aren’t appropriate for everyone. As with any medication, the benefits and side...

Returning to Sports After a Meniscus Tear Jul 25th, 2019

Whether you play sports competitively or recreationally, every time you suit up to play, you’re at risk for various injuries, including a meniscal tear. You can definitely recover from it, and even have a good chance of returning to the court or field, but only if you take proper precautions...

What Can I Do About My Bunions? Jun 20th, 2019

You may not have any pain from your bunion when it first forms, but you’re reminded it’s there every time you consider going barefoot or wearing sandals in public. If it hurts, your big toe may feel painful or swollen or you may develop irritated skin over the protrusion.  ...

Am I Too Young for a Hip Replacement? Jun 20th, 2019

The elderly once held a monopoly in the hip replacement game, but that no longer holds true. Severe osteoarthritis accounts for most hip replacements, and it doesn’t discriminate on the basis of age. Injury and overuse are the other two primary conditions that lead to hip replacement. Osteoarthritis, injury, or...

Why PRP Therapy is a Boon for Babyboomers With Aging Joints May 21st, 2019

When you live a healthy lifestyle, and partially thanks to heredity, all the parts of your body work together seamlessly to serve you well over the course of your lifetime. Your joints provide you with a wide range of motion and mobility so you can play sports, dance, or simply...